A collection of homilies reflecting on the
Statement from the Heart
“We invite you to walk with us in a movement of the Australian
people for a better future.”
This beautiful sentence completes the Uluru Statement from the
Heart.The invitation is to go on pilgrimage together. It is
Australia’s Camino moment. Pilgrimage, we know, is both an outer
and an inner journey: Physical and metaphysical.
These gathered Sermons are like conversations we are having on
this road into a better future.
We walk a while with a particular author, appreciating what
helps. Then another author comes along.
Our pilgrimage will be lightened both by words of illumination
and also by those words which bring to mind something heavy in
our soul, best left behind.
from the Preface by
Bishop Philip Huggins
A project of the Creative Ministries Network
2/10 Rigby Avenue,
Carnegie VIC 3163
You can download the booklet in .pdf format HERE.